After Care

After your tattoo procedure your body will weep a small amount of serum or "blood plasma". Its mostly water with a small amount of proteins, glucose, clotting factors, and electrolytes. The idea is to clean all of that off of your skin during the healing process to prevent your body from forming a scab. 

Single day sessions;

  • If a chuck pad was used- leave on overnight then remove in the morning and clean. Use a warm water and a non fragrant soap, dial is a good one but any will do. After cleaning the entire area, use a warm wet paper towel to remove any detergents from the soap, then pat dry. Apply a small amount of ointment and work it into all areas of the tattoo evenly, I prefer Tattoo Goo. Wait 30 minuets for the body to sweat out any excess ointment and wipe till it’s completely dry. Twice a day is usually enough but if it’s dry to the point of irritation, repeat the whole process. One thing you don't want to do is to simply apply the ointment without washing the area and your hands, and never add a layer of ointment. Always wipe till it’s dry again. Do this for 7 - 14 days then you can switch to lotion to keep your tattoo looking bright.

  • If a barrier film may be applied after the tattoo process (typically with heavy color saturated pieces) can be worn for up to 7 days. Just be mindful in the shower so the bandage won't prematurely come off and risk water entering inside of the bandage. If this does occur go ahead and remove the bandage. To remove the bandage start by peeling a top-corner of the film and run warm water under the film allowing it to fill slightly, then with clean hands rub the soap inside the bandage breaking the glue-bond. Clean the area completely and use your ointment/lotion like stated above.

Multi day sessions;

  • A chuck pad will be used to cover and protect the tattoo throughout the night allowing the plasma to collect within the bandage. The following morning remove the pad and shower making sure to clean the tattoo and the area around it but take care to not wash off the remaining stencil from the skin. Do not apply any ointments or lotion, just return to the studio with it clean and dry.

  • Most often another chuck pad will be applied after the second/third day session and is to remain on during the night. The following morning, clean the tattoo along with the whole area around the tattoo with soap and water. Do not apply ointments or lotion and return to the studio with it clean and dry to have the barrier film applied. From there the film will remain on for 7 days, allowing the skin to heal wile being protected. After the week just remove the bandage in the shower using soap and water, and apply ointment/lotion for another 7 days.

Do not soak your tattoo, pick your tattoo, spray perfume on your tattoo, expose the tattoo to direct sun, touch your tattoo to any non sterile surface (gym, dirty bedding, couch the dog sleeps on). Do not apply sunblock or anything else besides the ointment to the tattoo. Do not take extensive showers longer than 30 min, or swim in the ocean/lake/river. Do not wear anything tight or restrictive over the tattoo, do not wear anything other than cotton, bamboo, or natural fabrics (no polyester or blends) Do not rely on other tattoo aftercare methods, you trusted me with the tattoo, trust me with the aftercare.